About me and R
Hi! I’m a data miner cultivater with R and here in this pages I will introduce some tips and tricks how to make things funnier, easier and faster with R or any other statistical program (note: R is so amazing programming environment, that I really feel like amateur beside I have been over 10 years experience about programming SAS, MySQL, php etc.) . My professional background is Energy and Environmental M.Sc.(eng.). I used to do things with spreadsheets (1990-2007) until now I have found something new and amazing…I have always thinked that it is enough to do calculation with excel or similar but …as you know the World of R is so fascinating that it takes You into the next level of data processing tasks more funnier and efficiently way…
In 2007 I find myself to downloading my first R-installation and after that I know that this amazing program will change my style to do things…
I hope that all my examples and test will help all other to found same enthustiastic way to solve their prblems related in data mining and graphing with R and of course: provide examples that are reproducible…
I am also a graduate student at the University of Technology. My intention is to make a licentiate or doctoral degree within next year. To survive this task I started new hobby related with data mining techniques.
Have fun!
Helsinki, Finland 14.11.2017
Marko Ekqvist
M.Sc.(Eng. )ps. If You find some further question about my tips, link or in general, please do not hesitate to contact also with e – mail :