Visualize energy balance data
As energy engineer I have sometimes need to visualize energy balance data using Sankey diagram. In this example I will introduce how to do that with R.
As a data source I will use Central Finlands energy balance 2010 data.
Source of data you will find from this address: Keski-Suomen energiatase 2010
Ok let’s start to rock with R
To produce Sankey with R we use Function SankeyR (you will find same source as I use in this example from here)
We run first SankeyR function. Copy following code into your RGui.
SankeyR <- function(inputs, losses, unit, labels, format="plot"){ ######################## # SankeyR version 1.01 (updated August 10, 2010) # is a function for creating Sankey Diagrams in R. # See for excellent examples of Sankey Diagrams. # # OPTIONS: # 'inputs' is a vector of input values # 'losses' is a vector of loss values # 'unit' is a string of the unit # 'labels' is a vector of the labels for inputs and losses # 'format' is the type of plotting: # The default is "plot," which produces a plot in the R graphics device. # Current alternate options include "pdf" and "bmp," which produce # those file types under the name "" in the current directory. # # Inputs do not need to equal losses. Any difference will be displayed # as a discrepancy in the height of the left and right sides of the diagram. # This capability enables the developer to examine imbalances in flows. # Percentages are a proportion of the inputs (so, the outputs might not equal 100%). # # EXAMPLE: # Try using these values for the global carbon cycle, from Schlesinger (1997): # inputs = c(120,92) # losses = c(45,75,90,1,6) # unit = "GtC/yr" # labels = c("GPP","Ocean assimilation","Ra","Rh","Ocean loss","LULCC","Fossil fuel emissions") # SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels) # # UPDATES: # 8/10/10 - Added drawing for only one input. # # CREDITS: # Created for R by Aaron BERDANIER # send questions or comments to # # # SankeyR is based strongly on drawSankey for Matlab, # from James SPELLING, KTH-EGI-EKV ( # # # Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial. # Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make # derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. # # Aaron would appreciate notification if you modify or improve this function. ########################
# Calculate fractional losses and inputs frLosses = losses/sum(inputs) frInputs = inputs/sum(inputs)
# First input and last output labels inputLabel = paste(labels[1],": ",inputs[1]," ",unit," (",round(100*frInputs[1],digits=1),"%)",sep="") lossLabel = paste(labels[length(labels)],": ",losses[length(losses)]," ",unit," (",round(100*frLosses[length(losses)],digits=1),"%)",sep="")
######################## # Calculate position of plot axes (repeat of annotated code below; alternative: save values as vectors...) limTop = frInputs[1]; posTop = 0.4; maxy=0 limBot = 0; posBot = 0.1 if(length(inputs)>1){ for(j in 2:length(inputs)){ rI = max(0.07, abs(frInputs[j]/2)) rE = rI + abs(frInputs[j]) newPosB = posBot + rE*sin(pi/4) + 0.01 posBot = newPosB arcEx = posBot - rE*sin(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) arcEy = limBot - rE*(1-cos(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100))) arcIx = posBot - rI*sin(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) arcIy = limBot - rE + rI*cos(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) phiTip = pi/4 - 2*min(0.05, 0.8*abs(frInputs[j]))/(rI + rE) xTip = posBot - (rE+rI)*sin(phiTip)/2 yTip = limBot - rE + (rE+rI)*cos(phiTip)/2 limBot = limBot - frInputs[j] } }else{} posTop = posBot + 0.4 for(i in 1:(length(losses)-1)){ rI = max(0.07, abs(frLosses[i]/2)) rE = rI + abs(frLosses[i]) arcIx = posTop + rI*sin(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)) arcIy = limTop + rI*(1 - cos(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100))) arcEx = posTop + rE*sin(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)); arcEy = (limTop + rI) - rE*cos(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)) arEdge = max(0.015, rI/3) arTop = max(0.04, 0.8*frLosses[i]) arX = posTop + rI + c(0,-arEdge,frLosses[i]/2,frLosses[i]+arEdge,frLosses[i]) arY = limTop + rI + c(0,0,arTop,0,0) if(max(arY)>maxy){maxy = max(arY)}else{maxy=maxy} limTop = limTop - frLosses[i] newPos = posTop + rE + 0.01 posTop = newPos } newPos = max(posTop, posBot) + max(0.05*limTop,0.05) newPos = newPos + 0.8*(limTop-limBot)
maxx = newPos miny = (limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)])-max(0.015,abs(frLosses[length(frLosses)]/4)) maxy = maxy*2 minx = 0
######################## # Graphics type? if(format!="plot"){ # Call graphics device plottype = switch(format, "pdf" = pdf("Sankey.pdf", width=11, height=min(8.5,11*(maxy-miny)/((maxx+3)-minx))), "bmp" = bmp("Sankey.bmp", width=800*((maxx+3)-minx)/(maxy-miny), height=800, unit="px",res=144) ) }
# Create plotting window par(mar=c(0,0,0,0),oma=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(0,0,type="n",xlim=c(-1.5,maxx+1.5),ylim=c(miny,maxy),xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
w = 1 # line width
# Calculate fractional losses and inputs frLosses = losses/sum(inputs) frInputs = inputs/sum(inputs)
# Draw back edge of first input arrow lines(c(0.1,0,0.05,0,0.4), c(0,0,frInputs[1]/2,frInputs[1],frInputs[1]),lwd=w)
# First input label inputLabel = paste(labels[1],": ",inputs[1]," ",unit," (",round(100*frInputs[1],digits=1),"%)",sep="") fontsize = max(0.5,frInputs[1]*2.5) text(0, frInputs[1]/2, inputLabel, cex=fontsize, pos=2) # try pos=4
# Set initial position for the top of the arrows limTop = frInputs[1]; posTop = 0.4; maxy=0
# set initial position for the bottom of the arrows limBot = 0; posBot = 0.1
### # DRAW ARROWS FOR ADDITIONAL INPUTS if(length(inputs)>1){ for(j in 2:length(inputs)){
# determine inner and outer arrow radii rI = max(0.07, abs(frInputs[j]/2)) rE = rI + abs(frInputs[j]) # push separation point forwards newPosB = posBot + rE*sin(pi/4) + 0.01 lines(c(posBot,newPosB), c(limBot,limBot), lwd=w) posBot = newPosB # determine points on the external arc arcEx = posBot - rE*sin(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) arcEy = limBot - rE*(1-cos(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100))) # determine points on the internal arc arcIx = posBot - rI*sin(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) arcIy = limBot - rE + rI*cos(seq(0,pi/4,length.out=100)) # draw internal and external arcs lines(arcIx, arcIy, lwd=w) lines(arcEx, arcEy, lwd=w)
# determine arrow point tip phiTip = pi/4 - 2*min(0.05, 0.8*abs(frInputs[j]))/(rI + rE) xTip = posBot - (rE+rI)*sin(phiTip)/2 yTip = limBot - rE + (rE+rI)*cos(phiTip)/2 # draw back edge of additional input arrows lines(c(min(arcEx),xTip,min(arcIx)), c(min(arcEy),yTip,min(arcIy)), lwd=w)
# Draw label phiText = pi/2-2*min(0.05,0.8*abs(frInputs[j]))/(rI+rE) xText = posBot-(rE+rI)*sin(phiText)/3 yText = limBot-rE/1.5+(rE+rI)*cos(phiText)/2 fullLabel = paste(labels[j],": ",inputs[j]," ",unit," (",round(100*frInputs[j],digits=1),"%)",sep="") fontsize = max(0.5,frInputs[j]*2.5) text(xText, yText, fullLabel, cex=fontsize, pos=2)
# save new bottom end of arrow limBot = limBot - frInputs[j] }
posTop = posBot + 0.4
lines(c(0.4,posTop), c(frInputs[1],frInputs[1]), lwd=w)
lines(c(posBot,posBot+(posTop-posBot)/2), c(limBot,limBot),lwd=w)
}else{ lines(c(posBot,posBot+(posTop-posBot)/2), c(limBot,limBot),lwd=w) posMid=posBot+(posTop-posBot)/2 }
### # DRAW ARROWS OF LOSSES for(i in 1:(length(losses)-1)){
# Determine inner and outer arrow radii rI = max(0.07, abs(frLosses[i]/2)) rE = rI + abs(frLosses[i]) # Determine points on the internal arc arcIx = posTop + rI*sin(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)) arcIy = limTop + rI*(1 - cos(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100))) # Determine points on the internal arc arcEx = posTop + rE*sin(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)); arcEy = (limTop + rI) - rE*cos(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=100)) # Draw internal and external arcs lines(arcIx, arcIy, lwd=w) lines(arcEx, arcEy, lwd=w)
# Determine arrow tip dimensions arEdge = max(0.015, rI/3) arTop = max(0.04, 0.8*frLosses[i]) # Determine points on arrow tip arX = posTop + rI + c(0,-arEdge,frLosses[i]/2,frLosses[i]+arEdge,frLosses[i]) arY = limTop + rI + c(0,0,arTop,0,0) if(max(arY)>maxy){maxy = max(arY)}else{maxy=maxy} # Draw tip of losses arrow lines(arX, arY, lwd=w)
# Draw label txtX = posTop + rI + frLosses[i]/2 txtY = limTop + rI + arTop + 0.05 fullLabel = paste(labels[i+length(inputs)],": ",losses[i]," ",unit," (",round(100*frLosses[i],digits=1),"%)",sep="") fontsize = max(0.5,frLosses[i]*2.5) text(txtX, txtY, fullLabel, cex=fontsize, pos=4, srt=35)
# Save new position of arrow top limTop = limTop - frLosses[i] # Advance to new separation point newPos = posTop + rE + 0.01 # Draw top line to new separation point lines(c(posTop,newPos), c(limTop,limTop), lwd=w) # Save new advancement point posTop = newPos
# SEPARATION LINES - not implemented yet
### # Push the arrow forwards a little after all side-arrows drawn newPos = max(posTop, posBot) + max(0.05*limTop,0.05) # Draw lines to this new position lines(c(posTop,newPos), c(limTop,limTop),lwd=w) lines(c(posMid,newPos), c(limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)],limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)]),lwd=w)
# Draw final arrowhead for the output lines(c(newPos,newPos,newPos+max(0.04,0.8*(frLosses[length(frLosses)])),newPos,newPos), c(limTop,limTop+max(0.015,abs(frLosses[length
(frLosses)]/6)),limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)]/2,(limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)])-max(0.015, abs(frLosses[length(frLosses)]/6)),(limTop-frLosses
[length(frLosses)])), lwd=w)
# Save final tip position newPos = newPos + 0.8*(frLosses[length(frLosses)])
# Last loss label lossLabel = paste(labels[length(labels)],": ",losses[length(losses)]," ",unit," (",round(100*frLosses[length(losses)],digits=1),"%)",sep="") fontsize = max(0.5,frLosses[length(losses)]*2.5) text(newPos+0.05, limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)]/2, lossLabel, cex=fontsize, pos=4) # try pos=4
# Draw mid-line if(limBot<(limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)])){ lines(c(posMid,posMid), c(frInputs[1],limBot),lty=2) }else{ lines(c(posMid,posMid), c(frInputs[1],limTop-frLosses[length(frLosses)]),lty=2) }
if(format!="plot"){ # Close graphics device }}
After that “Gui-run” we use Central Finlands energy balance data from year 2010…
#Central Finlands energy balance 2010 (Keski-Suomen energiatase 2010 Source: # # inputs #Oil 4.2 TWh #Coal 0,04 #Peat 3.2 #Wood fuel 4.1 #Black ? 2.5 #REF + other 0.12 #Water 0.13 #Elec.import 4.3
# lossess #Industry 9.5 #--> Elec 4,65 #--> process heat 4,85
#Buildings 5.1 #--> district heating 2.55 #--> wood 0.663 #--> oil 0.969 #--> elec 0,867 #Other elec consumption 1.5 #Traffic 2.6 #--> Bensin 1.196 #--> Diesel 1.404 #total 18.6 TWh
inputs = c(4.2,0.04,3.2,4.1,2.5,0.12,4.3,0.13) losses = c(9.5,5.1,1.5,2.6) unit = "TWh/yr" labels = c("Oil","Coal","Peat","Wood","Black liquor","REF + other","Elec.import","Water", "Industry","Buildings", "Other elec. consumption", "Traffic") SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels)
#saving into file jpg. note: picture quality not so good jpeg(".../energybalance.jpg") SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels)
#saving into file note: picture quality not so good png(".../energybalance.png") SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels)
#saving into file note: note: picture quality not so good bmp(".../energybalance.bmp") SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels)
#saving into file note: picture quality excellent pdf(".../energybalance.pdf") SankeyR(inputs,losses,unit,labels)
Result is ok, but just now I have no idea how to produce “sub-branches” of losses. Anyway very nice routine to produce Sankey….And here you will find Sankey diagram in pdf format energybalance.
Have fun,