
Pääsin kokeilemaan r-ohjelman shiny-ohjelmaa. Ensin asennettaan paketti:



Installing package into ‘/home/marko/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
also installing the dependencies ‘httpuv’, ‘xtable’, ‘R6’, ‘sourcetools’

Sitten ajetaan ohjelma:

Esimerkki löytyy täältä shiny sivuiltani.

Tässä koodia:

> #initialize
> library(datasets)
> library(ggplot2)
> #helper function (convert vector to named list)
> namel<-function (vec){
+ tmp<-as.list(vec)
+ names(tmp)<-as.character(unlist(vec)) + tmp + } > # shiny server side code for each call
> shinyServer(function(input, output, session){
+ #update variable and group based on dataset
+ output$variable <- renderUI({
+ obj<-switch(input$dataset,
+ “iris” = iris,
+ “mtcars” = mtcars)
+ var.opts<-namel(colnames(obj))
+ selectInput(“variable”,”Variable:”, var.opts) # uddate UI
+ })
+ output$group <- renderUI({
+ obj<-switch(input$dataset,
+ “iris” = iris,
+ “mtcars” = mtcars)
+ var.opts<-namel(colnames(obj))
+ selectInput(“group”,”Groups:”, var.opts) # uddate UI
+ })
+ output$caption<-renderText({
+ switch(input$plot.type,
+ “boxplot” = “Boxplot”,
+ “histogram” = “Histogram”,
+ “density” = “Density plot”,
+ “bar” = “Bar graph”)
+ })
+ output$plot <- renderUI({
+ plotOutput(“p”)
+ })
+ #plotting function using ggplot2
+ output$p <- renderPlot({
+ plot.obj<<-list() # not sure why input$X can not be used directly?
+ plot.obj$data<<-get(input$dataset)
+ plot.obj$variable<<-with(plot.obj$data,get(input$variable))
+ plot.obj$group<<-with(plot.obj$data,get(input$group))
+ #dynamic plotting options
+ plot.type<-switch(input$plot.type,
+ “boxplot” = geom_boxplot(),
+ “histogram” = geom_histogram(alpha=0.5,position=”identity”),
+ “density” = geom_density(alpha=.75),
+ “bar” = geom_bar(position=”dodge”)
+ )
+ require(ggplot2)
+ #plotting theme
+ .theme<- theme(
+ axis.line = element_line(colour = ‘gray’, size = .75),
+ panel.background = element_blank(),
+ plot.background = element_blank()
+ )
+ if(input$plot.type==”boxplot”) { #control for 1D or 2D graphs
+ p<-ggplot(plot.obj$data,
+ aes(
+ x = plot.obj$group,
+ y = plot.obj$variable,
+ fill = as.factor(plot.obj$group)
+ )
+ ) + plot.type
+ if(input$show.points==TRUE)
+ {
+ p<-p+ geom_point(color=’black’,alpha=0.5, position = ‘jitter’)
+ }
+ } else {
+ p<-ggplot(plot.obj$data,
+ aes(
+ x = plot.obj$variable,
+ fill = as.factor(plot.obj$group),
+ group = as.factor(plot.obj$group),
+ #color = as.factor(plot.obj$group)
+ )
+ ) + plot.type
+ }
+ p<-p+labs(
+ fill = input$group,
+ x = “”,
+ y = input$variable
+ ) +
+ .theme
+ print(p)
+ })
+ })

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